
Pufico-China Gas Expert



Feb 08,2022

         2022The Spring Festival of the year is destined to be unforgettable, in the region of the people of the city, hard work, epidemic prevention and control work to achieve phased results, with the orderly resumption of work and production of the horn sounded, we Hangzhou Pufico air separation equipment Co., Ltd. in.2022Year2Month8Day starts!


         One dollar is renewed and Vientias is renewed.2Month8On the morning of the day, all the employees came to the company happily. They were very busy preparing for the start of work and looked forward to the future amid the firecrackers one after another. At noon, all the staff had lunch together, and the staff showed their talents. At this time, the scene was surrounded by the melody of laughter, shouting and music. It was really lively.

         The new year opens up new hopes, and the new journey carries new dreams. We usher in the first day of construction with a new look. I wish everyone good luck and all the best. I wish Pufico a grand exhibition and another glory.

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