Pressure vessel to what conditions belong to special equipment
Mar 08,2022
According to the definition in the appendix (special equipment inspection regulations), pressure vessel refers to the closed equipment containing gas or liquid and bearing pressure, and its scope is specified as the working pressure greater than or equal0.1MPa (gauge pressure), and the product of pressure and volume is greater than or equal to 2.5MPa • L of gas, liquefied gas and working temperature is higher than or equal to the standard boiling point of liquid fixed containers and mobile containers; Containing nominal working pressure is greater than or equal to 0.2MPa (gauge pressure), and the product of pressure and volume is greater than or equal to 1.0MPa • L gas, liquefied gas and standard boiling point is equal to or lower than 60 ℃ liquid cylinder; Oxygen chamber and other "TSG R0004-2009" fixed pressure vessel technical supervision regulations. Applicable to pressure vessels with the following conditions at the same time.
1 working pressure is greater than or equal to 0.1MPa
2 The product of working pressure and volume is greater than or equal to 2.5MPa * L
3 when the medium contained is gas, liquefied gas and liquid whose working temperature is higher than or equal to its standard boiling point (note 1-4) note 1-4 when the medium in the container is liquid whose working temperature is lower than its standard boiling point, if the product of the volume of the gas phase space and the working pressure is greater than or equal to 2.5MPa * L, it also belongs to the scope of application of this standard. Therefore, the fixed air storage tank with working pressure of 0.8MPa and volume of 600L you mentioned belongs to special equipment, and its manufacturing needs to conform to the provisions of the TSG R0004-2009.
The inspection and standard of pressure vessels are sealed containers that bear gas or liquid pressure inside or outside and have higher requirements for the safety. In the early days, it was mainly used in the chemical industry, and the pressure was mostly below 10 MPa. After the emergence of high-pressure production processes such as synthetic ammonia and high-pressure polyethylene, the pressure of the pressure vessel is required to reach more than 100 MPa.
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